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oct-2-enylboronic acid

Chemical structure of oct-2-enylboronic acid

Molecular Formula: C8H17BO2

Molecular Weight: 156.033 g/mol

Cas Number: 887132-26-5


Melting Point: n/a

Boiling Point: n/a

Density: n/a

Refractive Index: n/a

Synthesis Reference(s) for oct-2-enylboronic acid

1) Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2006, vol. 128, №25, p. 8150-8151
2) Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2006, vol. 128, №14, p. 4588-4589

Synonym Chemical Name(s) for oct-2-enylboronic acid

[(E)-oct-2-enyl]boronic acid

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Alkylboronic acids